Global Pay

Local payroll services for a single country or region

We help you take control of your payroll quickly and ensure compliance for your international markets

Global Pay

Global Pay is our local payroll solution for companies looking to streamline the way you pay employees in a single country, region or group of countries.
With Global Pay, our in-country experts process your payroll efficiently and on time — every time — while giving you the peace of mind that it complies with all applicable local labor and tax laws. Plus, we offer country-level reporting so you can gain understanding of your workforce costs.

Local payroll services to meet your local needs

  • Full compliance monitoring

    Gain peace of mind that payroll is compliant with local-market labor and tax laws by relying on our in-country payroll specialists.
  • Self-service portal

    Gain 24/7 access to payroll data and processing status, employee time and attendance, and HR documents and requests.
  • Flexible model

    No employee population is too small—our solution specializes in serving companies with less than 50 employees per country—and we can get you up in running in a matter of weeks.
  • Local market support

    We know the local requirements and speak the local language to provide the support you need for your local employees.Check out our single-market solutions available in: SwitzerlandSpainPortugalFranceItaly, and Germany

Let’s discuss your local payroll needs

Our global payroll experts can help evaluate your challenges and recommend solutions


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undefined 2025.