Independent contractor or employee?
December 7, 2023
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Avoid misclassification and protect your organization from risk
Protect your organization by proactively addressing the risks related to employment noncompliance. If your company relies on independent contractors for international projects, you may unknowingly jeopardize your organization through potential employee misclassification and hefty penalties. Knowing all of the local labor laws is essential to steer clear of these pitfalls.
Our ebook is based on our years of experience helping companies around the world evaluate the risk of hiring independent contractors and taking the necessary steps to protect their organization against employee misclassification. We’ll share with you:
- Differentiators between contractors and employees
- Repercussions and risks of misclassification
- EOR, an employer of record solution
After you download and read the ebook, contact us to learn more about how we help companies by hiring employees on their behalf to avoid risk in 170+ countries—and how we can help yours, too.
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Meet with one of our payroll experts to discuss your current business challenges and how our solutions can help.