According to the U.S. Small Business Association, 96% of consumers live
outside of the United States
Expanding globally can give your company a strong competitive edge and respite
from crowded domestic markets, so it makes sense to cultivate growth overseas.
Even as international markets enter a phase of economic uncertainty, access to
a more diverse consumer base or talent pool can open your business to many
more opportunities. But you may be wondering what options are available as you
build a new team overseas.
Building a new team for your business can be difficult even if you aren’t
expanding into a new market, and when you consider that business in another
country is likely to be very different from your home country, the challenges
can seem overwhelming. One possible solution for building a team in another
country is to work with limited-term employees.
What is limited-term employment?
Limited-term employment, also known as fixed-term employment , means hiring an employee who works for a specific, pre-defined
period. The period could be the duration of a project or it could be to a
specific calendar date. A limited-term employee is someone hired under a
contract that will expire, as opposed to a regular employee that signed an
indefinite contract
, whose
employment will continue for the foreseeable future.
There’s also a distinction between a limited-term employee and an independent
contractor. A limited-term employee works for you only for the defined period
of time, while a contractor would work on your projects, as well as those of
their other clients.
Limited-term positions can have a lot of appeal to employees. It gives them
the chance to work on interesting projects that they might not have as full-
time employees and provide valuable experience that will look great on a
resume. When you look at it from the employee’s point of view, it’s easy to
understand why someone would choose this type of employment.
When should you use limited-term employees?
Limited-term employees are great for projects and staffing needs that have a
defined end. This not only prevents the dreaded “scope creep” that most
projects seem to suffer from, but it also prevents any misunderstanding as to
the nature of the work.
However, it’s important to remember that a limited-term employee may leave
before the project is finished, putting your company in the position of hiring
someone else to complete the work.
In some countries, limited-term employees who work past the stated end date of
their contracts may be regarded as permanent employees by the government,
giving them more rights (and employers more responsibilities) than were
originally intended. By having employees under a limited-term contract, you
can make sure that everyone is clear on the nature and duration of the work.
Using limited-term employees for global expansion
When you’re expanding globally, it’s vital to have firsthand knowledge and
experience of the market(s) you’re moving into. Using a limited-term employee
gives you access to in-country market knowledge without the commitment of a
permanent employment relationship. It also allows you greater flexibility when
staffing your business as it grows and your needs change.
With a limited-term employee, your company isn’t obliged to continue the
contract or the employment relationship, and you’ll have the option of
renewing the contract or hiring the employee on a permanent basis, if it meets
your needs.
However, there are potential pitfalls when using limited-term employees for
global expansion. Unlike in the United States, companies can’t terminate a
limited-term employee’s contract without paying compensation and facing
potential legal action. You may also open your company to legal risks by using
limited-term employees in a noncompliant manner.
Risk management and limited-duration contracts
Expanding overseas makes compliance absolutely vital . It can be easy to fall out of compliance, even when using
limited-duration contracts. For example, Peru restricts limited-term employees
to only 20% of an employer’s workforce . Other countries, like
Chile, only allow limited-term employees under certain circumstances
, such as
starting a new business.
The labor laws of most countries are designed to encourage employers to hire
employees permanently rather than working with limited-term contracts. When
you consider the fact that labor laws, compensation and taxes are also
complicated and highly variable, it’s easy to see why global expansion can be
Fortunately, the risks of hiring in new overseas markets can be mitigated by
partnering with an employer of record
. An
employer of record (EOR) , takes on the responsibility of complying with all
local employment regulations, so you no longer have to worry about the risk
your company will face.
If you’re considering limited-term employees for your global expansion,
contact us today . We
can help you understand the risks and benefits of short-term employment around
the world.
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