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Safeguard Global acquisition and investment funding

May 12, 2019
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In my previous blog post, I shared my point of view on the Celergo acquisition by ADP. In short, I feel the acquisition was good for Safeguard Global but not so good for multinational companies in the market. They deserve faster, more creative innovation, and I just don’t see how that acquisition contributes.
As such, Safeguard Global stays true to the mission of innovation. We will evolve. We will continue to disrupt the industry.
We recently made a couple of announcements that will play a large role in how we advance as both a company and an industry leader. Our acquisition of the WorkFor Group, along with investment funding from Accel-KKR, will help us expand our presence and deliver more to our customer base and to the global market.
In the past few years, even as companies have sprung up, added features and offerings, and joined forces, our industry as a whole has seen a slowdown in innovation. We are part of an immensely huge market with so much potential, and no one is truly pushing the envelope, committed to solving the difficult problems.
Across our industry, companies have been stuck in this mindset: How do we make things faster? How can we add automation? But this is a self-serving way of thinking, because what’s really being asked is: How do we make things easier for ourselves? How do we solve our problems? A crucial component has been lost in our industry’s maturity: What our customers need and what the market needs.
Part of this thinking has been a widespread reliance in the industry to use vendors to serve a growing customer base. When we first started, clients wanted a single point of contact and single contract. We delivered. But as companies expanded across time zones, their needs started to expand, too. A single point of contact wasn’t enough, and we turned to vendors to help meet customers’ growing needs. It worked—if it hadn’t, we wouldn’t be where we are today—but this dependence on vendors around the globe has come at the expense of truly innovating and pushing the market forward.
So with this in mind, and with the boost of our acquisition and investment funding, we’re recommitting Safeguard Global to disrupting the industry much like we did when we started a little over a decade ago, first with the development of Payroll 360, and a few years after with the conception of GEO.
We’re going to revolutionize the industry again.

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