One of the most common and costly mistakes organizations make is assuming
foreign markets operate exactly as they do in the U.S.
Global employment is complex, and organizations face a number of compliance
challenges as they attempt to expand their workforce, including:
New market compliance
Each territory comes with its own laws regarding employee on-
boarding/registering, tax calculations, and more. Stretch this complexity
across the globe and your job becomes exponentially more difficult.
Payroll compliance
Keeping employees paid, on time, is crucial to company moral and productivity.
But what about tax deadlines? Withholding and reporting laws? Regulations
requiring employee tax slip signatures? Failure to adhere to and keep up with
any of these payroll compliance rules can result in serious penalties,
significantly affecting your bottom line.
Benefits and expectations
Few aspects of global employment differ as widely as benefit requirements. For
example, while certain levels of benefits are required by law, in the U.S.
most countries offer more than adequate state-provided health care. Careful
consideration must be given to your benefit plan on a country-by-country
basis, or you risk redundant coverage, under-staffing, or penalties for
Liability insurance
It’s essential to organizational culture that every employee knows they are
treated equally and fairly, regardless of the country in which they work.
Liability insurance can help accomplish this. But not all countries have a
state mandated plan for companies to pay into. Are you prepared for its
limitations? Or would setting up your own plan to protect work-sites and
employees be more advantageous?
Termination policies and practices
Termination is part of doing business, wherever you operate. Unlike in the
U.S., the only country where “at-will employment” exists, termination rules
and regulations around the world are more complex. For example, in many
countries, before employees can be legally terminated for performance, the
employer must make every attempt to bring performance levels up to required
standards. Documentation of process and severance are some issues HR
professionals must have intimate knowledge to avoid penalty and loss in
Retirement and pension plans
As the number of Gen Xers and Baby Boomers planning to exit the workforce
continues to rise, so too does the complexity of pension planning and
retirement. Employers with international workforces need to understand fully
each country’s regulations as they apply to retirement. What age is mandatory?
Is national social insurance part of the equation? Are employee pension
contributions voluntary or required by law?
Get started with innovative global products
Knowing and understanding the key global compliance issues outlined above is a
great start toward creating opportunity. Having a partner who has been through
it helps, too.
With innovative products like EOR, we enable companies to create opportunity out of
global compliance challenges through faster, smarter and more efficient